You Should Leave College with a Degree. Not Debt.

At APU we salute you and we understand your unique challenges as a military spouse. The MyCAA scholarship provides military spouses with financial assistance for qualified programs. Check out the checklist below to get started. 

Books and Materials

A University book grant provides ebooks at no cost to all undergraduate students. A hard-copy textbook is provided at no cost if an ebook is not available. Some programs will have additional course material costs not covered by the University book grant. Simply select the course in your Academic Plan to review the required materials.

Please note that our Freedom Grant and/or military tuition grant provide ebooks at no cost for master’s-level courses for active-duty servicemembers, National Guard members, Reservists, and military families, including parents, spouses, legal partners, siblings, and dependents. 

Courses Start Monthly

Next Courses Start Apr 7


Download and Print

Register for the Program

Visit the MyCAA portal to register for the program. 

Submit the Application for Admission
If you have not done so already, complete the Admissions Application. This link can be found in the header of most pages on the website. Make sure to select MyCAA in the Affiliations and Memberships drop down, this helps us better serve you throughout your journey.
Verify Your Identity
Students are required to upload a valid government-issued photo ID in our secure document portal. For military and veterans, we request a copy of the Joint Services Transcript on your behalf, in lieu of requiring a photo ID. Air Force applicants are required to submit a valid government-issued photo ID to [email protected] or an official CCAF transcript.
Submit Proof of High School Completion
New applicants to an undergraduate level program whose highest level of education is a high school diploma or its equivalent may be required to submit proof of completion through our  secure document portal.
Begin the Transfer Credit Application
This starts the process of evaluating your prior college, military and/or professional credits. A Transfer Credit Application is required for all undergraduate degree-seeking students who have attended other accredited institutions. Once all documentation is received the process can take 2-3 weeks, so start it early!  
Technology Fee Waiver
Students using MyCAA benefits qualify to have the $85 per course Technology Fee waived. To ensure you receive this grant, click your name in the top banner of the ecampus and Edit Profile from the drop down menu. Scroll to the bottom and ensure you have selected MyCAA as a Membership/Association. Taking this action will allow us to automatically waive your technology fee.
Register for Classes
Click Register Now within the top banner of the ecampus and follow the prompts until you receive a confirmation number or the course shows as registered in your Academic Plan.

During registration, select Employee Voucher Program as your payment method. Enter 11111111 (that's 8 ones) as the Employer Identification Number (EIN) and the following information: MyCAA 2107 Wilson Blvd, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22209
Request Scholarship Education and Training Plan
Contact your admissions representative to request this plan. They will provide an official letter from the institution, a copy of your degree program, and a list of courses that can be taken to fulfill your requirements.
Upload Approved Planning Through MyCAA Portal
Login to your MyCAA portal to upload your plan. If you have difficulty with the website, contact the MyCAA Helpline at 800-342-9647.
Return Financial Assistance Award

Log into your MyCAA Portal  and print out a copy of the confirmed Financial Assistance Award. Forward a copy of this document to [email protected] or fax it to 866-755-8763 to have your payment confirmed.

Review Book/Course Materials
Ebooks are provided to all credit-seeking undergraduate students at no cost. Some programs will have additional course material costs not covered by our University book grant. Simply select the course in your Academic Plan to review the required materials.

Our Freedom Grant and/or military tuition grant provide ebooks at no cost for master’s-level courses to active-duty servicemembers, National Guard members, Reservists, and military families, including parents, spouses, legal partners, siblings, and dependents.
Enter Classroom
The classroom opens at 6 a.m., ET. You must log into each classroom at least once the first week and complete the first week’s introductory forum post. This post must contain at least 250 words and be submitted by 11:59 p.m., ET on Sunday. If you do not complete this requirement during week one by the noted specifications, you will be automatically dropped from the course.